Answers to some of the most frequently asked questions.


At Warmflow we take pride in going the extra mile to ensure our customer care is efficient and effective. As part of those aims we have listed some of the most frequently asked questions

  • When there is a risk to the boiler or the installation due to frost, an appropriate frost protection thermostat must be installed. A frost protection thermostat ensures that the boiler maintains a temperature that prevents freezing of the system water. The system can also be dosed with an antifreeze agent. A frost protection thermostat is standardon all Kabin Pak combi models.For all other Kabin Pak models, a frost protection thermostat kit incorporating an isolationswitch, a service function and a pipe clamp thermostat is optionally supplied.

    When temperatures fall below the freezing point, the condensate discharge tube can freeze and this can prevent the boiler from operating normally. If this tube has a reduced diameter and / or extends outside the building or through an unheated area, then it should be completely insulated with waterproof coating. If the pipe is frozen, it must be defrosted. You should contact the installer of your boiler to defrost the condensate tube and find a permanentsolution to the problem of condensation freezing.

  • Warmflow oil-fired boilers with a manufacturing date of prior to XXXXXX are not compatible with bio-fuel. Aspects of the burner in appliances produced after this date have been modified so that they are suitable for use with Class D heating fuels with a bio-fuel blend of up to 10%, subject to the correct specification of the burner and components within a bio-fuel compatible installation. You must consult with your installer to ensure thatthe entire oil installation is correctly prepared and capable of operating with bio fuels.

  • To protect the appliance and to prevent excessive flow rates, a pressure reducing valve must be fitted to limit the maximum supply pressure to 3 bar. Whenever a pressure reducing valve or other device containing a non-return valve is fitted to the mains water supply entering the boiler, a mini expansion vessel must be fitted after the device in order to protect the appliance from the expansion due to heating of the water in the domestic hot water pipe work. Note that the flow rate from individual taps is dependent on the number of outlets being operated together, as well as the length and size of pipe work and the mains supply pressure.

  • When the pressure jet oil fired burner stops after failing to fire the red reset button will be illuminated. This indicates that there is a fault or there is no fuel getting to the burner. The house holder should only reset the burner a maximum of twice in succession. If the burner continues to lockout contact Warmflow or your service engineer.

  • This may mean that mean that the high limit thermostat has been activiated.The radiator temperature is regulated via the boiler control thermostat. The thermostat is user adjustable from 55°C at its minimum setting (dial‘0’) to 85°C at its maximum setting (dial ‘5’). In order to provide an additional level of safety there is a high limit thermostat which has a cut off point of 110°C; this is factory set and is not adjustable. If thermostat trips it needs to be reset manually.

    If the high level thermostat trip has operated, remove the reset cover by using a coin or screwdriver (turning anti clockwise) and press the small red button now exposed. Do not press the reset button while the boiler is still hot as this will cause damage to the thermostat. In combi appliances the high limit reset is located under the boiler’s control panel.

  • When the pressure jet oil fired burner stops after failing to fire the red reset button will be illuminated. This indicates that there is a fault or there is no fuel getting to the burner. The house holder should only reset the burner twice in succession by pressing the illuminated reset button. If the burner continues to lockout contact Warmflow or your service engineer

  • It should not be necessary to frequently or constantly re-pressurise your sealed heating system; to do so may harm the boiler and the wider heating system by diluting corrosion inhibitor levels and may serve only to disguise an underlying issue that should be corrected . In the event of frequent or constant pressure loss from the heating system you should contact your installer or Warmflow as soon as possible

  • If the system pressure falls below the minimum (e.g., removal of radiator for decorating purposes) the system should be topped up using the filling loop valve. After the system has been topped up the pressure gauge should read 1 bar when the system is cold. The valve must be fully closed and the filling loop flexible removed from the valve. You should expect a small water loss from the pipe.

  • For all System and Combi boilers a filling point complete with a filling loop is supplied fitted to the expansion vessel. The filling loop must be disconnected from the mains supply after filling. A system pressure when cold of 1 bar is recommended. After filling, vent all air from the system.

    In the first week of operation it is normal to see a drop in system pressure. During this time the system pressure must be rechecked and the system refilled. Failure to do so may lead to boiler faults.

    When the boiler is connected to a sealed system the system pressure should be periodically checked. The minimum pressure,as indicated by the black needle on the pressure gauge of the expansion vessel is 0.5 bar when the boiler is cold and 2.5 bar when the boiler is at normal operating temperature. If the pressure is outside this range, contact your installer or Warmflow

  • Where there is a risk to the boiler or installation from frost then a suitable frost thermostat should be fitted. A frost thermostat ensures that the boiler maintains a temperature which prevents freezing of the system water from occurring. The system can also be dosed with an antifreeze agent. A frost thermostat is fitted as standard to all Kabin Pak combi models. For all other Kabin Pak models a frost thermostat kit, incorporating an isolating switch, servicing function and clipped pipe stat is supplied as an option.

    Where temperatures drop below freezing the condensate discharge pipe may become frozen and this can prevent the boiler from operating normally. If this pipe is of reduced diameter and/or runs outside of the property or through a non-heated area then it should be fully insulated with waterproof lagging. If the pipe becomes frozen then it must be thawed. You should contact your boiler installer in order to thaw the condensate pipe and find a permanent solution to the freezing condensate problem.

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